Similarly the Belgian work and that is different from that of the rest of the world
Similarly the Belgian work and that is different from that of the rest of the world

the Belgians will find it in a different way than the rest of the world, according to a global survey of the Area. Much more so than in the foreign country in scoring, public employment counsellors, such as the VDAB and the temporary agencies here have always been very good. In the meantime, Google is on a bright rise, and the search engine of the traditional job boards behind him.

“Young people are looking for, and still work as they were 50 years ago”, wrote the former VDAB’s ceo, Fons Leroy, last year, in his book, “No Jobs”. According to a new survey conducted by Randstad Research, which, globally, 41.000, respondents were asked, it is true that claim is but part of the time. “For the Belgians to find, on average, over four channels for a job. And there are one of two channels”, this is it.

In contrast to outside of the netherlands, in Belgium, the established channels are still the largest proportion of people for whom work has been found, more than anywhere else in the world. “The public employment service < / I> (VDAB, Actiris, Forem… ed.) , takes a little gold and 28 percent of the time. Employment agencies, personal connections and references of sections in the second place, with 26 percent of the time. At this level, the Fons Leroy right away, however, these channels have existed for a half-century ago.”

The growing popularity of Google’s

in the Meantime, have a Google for both at home and abroad – a significant rise. The online search engine, in the meantime, though, with a market share of about 17 per cent. Thanks to Google, LinkedIn (13%), Facebook (9%), Twitter (7%) as well as all of the other job boards (15%) and from behind.

Women and social media

what is Striking is the large gendereffect. Even though men and women are equal at work, search for it on Google and social media to find men more often than women, are also effective in working through these channels.

the magazines and newspapers

magazines and newspapers have, for the most of the site becomes clear: they are at the tail end, with only 6 per cent, which is still better than that of the foreign country. Informal networks, links, references) are not affected by the digitization. “Job boards and social media as well as niche,” says Jan Denys, arbeidsmarktdeskundige in the Area. The digital channels are more important than ever to match supply and demand in the employment market. Certainly in Belgium, this does not come at the expense of traditional intermediaries, such as public arbitrators, and temporary agencies. This is partly due to the Belgian players in early on the digital train to be stepped on. In this sense, we can say that digital is the job market in the new normal, even for the traditional players.”

The study was conducted in a 41,000 employees in 32 countries spread over 4 continents: Europe, Australia, Asia and the united states.