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resim 256

Day after day, the French continue to feel this weight which weighs ever more heavily above their purchasing power: inflation. The health crisis added to the geopolitical instability, in particular with the Russian-Ukrainian war, have had an effect on the economic situation in France as well as in the rest of Europe, and even the world.

While it is still too early to speak of a crisis, inflation is indeed present. After a rate of 4.8% in April and 5.2% in May, consumer prices finally increased by 5.8% in one year in June 2022, according to final figures from the Insee.

This is the highest level of inflation in France since November 1985. From now on, it is felt in the daily life of all our fellow citizens. With each purchase, each expense, this price increase has an impact.

Faced with this, the government decided to act and presented its bill on purchasing power to the Council of Ministers on July 7. Here are the key points of this text according to the Ministry of the Economy:

In addition to all this, several upgrades are planned for next August. Here are which ones.