resim 117
resim 117

Are we paying too much tax in France? This is obviously the opinion of French men and women… or, at the very least, of a majority of them. As Le Figaro explained in February 2022, three-quarters of taxpayers considered the tax burden too high, according to a study carried out by Harris Interactive for the Mandatory Levies Council (CPO). 69% of respondents also say they are dissatisfied with the tax system currently in force in France. But what are the reproaches that the latter formulate against him?

In fact, French people have a number of grievances with regard to the tax system. 54% of them consider it “not fair enough”, a feeling that dominates the working classes in particular. 66% of respondents find that households with intermediate incomes pay more than they should. For low-income households, this percentage drops to 48, and it drops even further when it comes to the wealthiest tax households. Only 21% of taxpayers believe that they pay too much tax.

Another prominent criticism: more than one in two French people (55%) believes that the redistribution of wealth in France is insufficient. That being said, all of these criticisms are not enough to erode the confidence that taxpayers place in the payment of taxes. 79% of respondents still see it as a “citizen act” that contributes to the life of the country. What illustrate “the strength of tax citizenship and a broad adherence to the principle of taxation”, also judges the CPO.

That being said, certain measures remain within reach of French women and men who would like to reduce their tax burden. Some of these savings products, recalls Climb (ex-TacoTax) remain less known. Examples in our slideshow below.