
Solana Foundation Takes Action to Improve Network Security

In a surprising move, the Solana Foundation has recently taken steps to improve the fairness and integrity of its network. The foundation has decided to unstake validators who were found to be sharing mempool transactions, as part of an effort to reduce Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) and ensure a trustworthy ecosystem.

Sharing mempool transactions can lead to MEV-related actions such as sandwich attacks, where a malicious actor takes advantage of price fluctuations by encircling a victim’s transaction. As a result, a number of operators in the Solana Foundation Delegation Program have been removed due to this behavior.

MEV is a significant issue on blockchain networks, as validators can manipulate transactions within a block to maximize their profits. By opposing validators who engage in such actions, the Solana Foundation aims to enhance network security and promote fair transaction processing.

While some validators may continue with MEV procedures without access to specialized tools like Jito, the foundation and investors who fund Solana validators have the power to influence their actions. Despite potential short-term disruptions, the foundation’s decision reflects a commitment to making the network safer and more secure in the long run, ensuring transparency and trustworthiness in the ecosystem.

Critics may argue that this decision goes against the principle of decentralization, but the overall goal is to create a more secure and reliable platform for investors and users alike.