
In October 1986, a 28-year-old man named William “Billy” Halpern was brutally murdered in his Miramar home in Florida. For 37 years, the case remained unsolved until investigators decided to revisit the files and found a DNA sample that led them to the killer. Halpern, a former firefighter who worked at a gym in Hollywood, was known as an avid bodybuilder.

Miramar Police Detective Danny Smith reopened the case in January after discovering several partial DNA profiles that could be analyzed. During a press conference, Smith mentioned that they had DNA samples but needed more information or names to move forward with the investigation. After reaching out to the public for help, the department received numerous tips that eventually led them to identify Harrier Collier, who has since passed away, as one of the individuals involved in Halpern’s murder.

According to the Miramar Police Department, if Collier were alive today, he would be charged with the murder of Billy Halpern. The police believe that Halpern was killed because he stumbled upon information that someone wanted to keep secret. Collier’s death was connected to two other murders near a former gym, including Halpern’s.

The leads submitted to Detective Smith aligned with evidence linking to a double murder in Tamarac around the same time, as well as Collier’s DNA. The similarities between the murder scenes in Tamarac and Halpern’s home led investigators to believe that the cases were connected. The gym’s owner, Gil Fernandez, who had ties to the mob and was a former police officer, was initially considered a suspect in Halpern’s murder but was convicted of another murder.

Although Collier has been named as one of the perpetrators, the case remains open as there may be more connections to uncover and potentially more arrests to be made. Detective Smith emphasized that they are looking for individuals who were involved in the crime, including those who may have ordered the murder or were complicit in it.

Anyone with additional information about the case is urged to contact Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. The investigation into Billy Halpern’s murder serves as a reminder that justice can still be served decades after a crime is committed, thanks to advancements in forensic technology and the dedication of law enforcement officials.