
Southern Baptists Remove Virginia Church for Believing Women Can Serve as Pastors

In a significant decision, delegates at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting voted to expel First Baptist Church of Alexandria, a Virginia congregation that supports women serving in all pastoral roles, including as senior pastor. This move was seen as a response to the church’s affirmation of gender equality in ministry, which contradicts the Baptist Faith and Message doctrine stating that only men are qualified for the role of pastor.

Despite the church’s contributions to denominational causes and its long history within the Southern Baptist Convention, the majority of messengers voted in favor of its removal. The church’s pastor, Robert Stephens, emphasized the importance of maintaining a cooperative relationship with churches that hold differing views on women in ministry.

Following the decision, representatives from the Alexandria church expressed their disappointment but remained committed to their mission and ministry work. They announced plans to continue their outreach efforts, including participating in various projects and activities aimed at spreading the message of the gospel.

The vote to expel the Virginia church came amidst ongoing discussions within the Southern Baptist Convention regarding the role of women in leadership positions. A proposed amendment to ban churches with women pastors from the SBC’s constitution is expected to be considered further during the meeting. This issue has sparked debates and demonstrations, with some advocating for greater inclusivity and equal opportunities for women in ministry.

In addition to the focus on gender equality, the convention also addressed the issue of sexual abuse within its churches. A task force dedicated to implementing abuse prevention measures reported on its progress, highlighting the need for increased accountability and transparency in addressing allegations of misconduct.

Despite challenges and disagreements within the denomination, Southern Baptists remain committed to upholding their faith and values while navigating complex issues such as gender roles and abuse prevention. As the annual meeting continues, delegates are expected to engage in further discussions and decision-making processes aimed at shaping the future direction of the Southern Baptist Convention.