
Life expectancy is predicted to increase globally by 2050, as per a recent report by The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. The report attributes this rise to reduced deaths from various diseases like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory infections, tuberculosis, and maternal and neonatal mortality.

Interestingly, despite having lower GDP figures compared to countries with high life expectancies like Switzerland and Denmark, southern European nations are expected to lead the global rankings. These countries, including France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, share common characteristics that contribute to their longevity.

A study from 2017 revealed that Spaniards walk an average of 5,936 steps per day, significantly more than the average American who takes only 4,774 steps daily. This cultural habit of daily movement, seen in countries like Italy and Spain, could be a key factor in their projected high life expectancies.

Moreover, the cities in Spain are built with higher population density, leading to regular social interactions. A 2023 Gallup poll among Spaniards indicated that 76% reported feeling socially supported. Additionally, intergenerational family living is more prevalent in Spain compared to the United States, with 83% of Spaniards reporting seeing friends or family who live with them or nearby in the same week.

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation predicts that by 2050, France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain could see life expectancies ranging from 84 to 86 years. This projection showcases the unique characteristics and habits of these southern European nations that contribute to their longer lifespans.

In conclusion, the report highlights the importance of factors beyond wealth in determining life expectancy. The cultural practices of daily movement, social interactions, and strong familial bonds in countries like Italy and Spain play a significant role in shaping the health outcomes of their populations. As the world looks towards a future with increased life expectancies, it is essential to consider the diverse factors that contribute to a long and healthy life.