SPA put pressure on negotiations Now speed it up otherwise with or without us
SPA put pressure on negotiations Now speed it up otherwise with or without us

IN THE SP.A wish that the federal negotiations will be speeded up. “Otherwise, we will not elaborate on the invitation of the preformateurs,” says Kamerfractieleidster and the reader-friendly edition by Meryame Kitir on Saturday, in an interview with het belang van Limburg.

Kitir wants to be in a hurry to the federal formatiegesprekken. Tuesday, denotes a king, Filip, Rudy Demotte (PS) and Geert Bourgeois (N-VA) as the preformateurs. They need to find out if there are conversations to be initiated between the N-VA and the socialist party, with a view to the formation of a federal system of government.

“I insist on it, that is, the sense of urgency remains high,” said Kitir. “Our country is facing great challenges. In January, we are already in the pending cases. There are a lot of things do not happen. If the sense of urgency it is not, we will not go into detail on the invitation of the preformateurs. For the next three, four, or five months of downtime, we are changing.”

for the time being the SP.A will is one of the six parties in the federal table to sit together with the N-VA, PS, MR, CD&V and Open VLD. Mathematically speaking, it is still one of the parties is unnecessary.

for More on the SP.A the Municipalities are getting more money, but the euphoria was short-lived: “For every dollar, take the Flemish government, there are two” Johan Vande Lanotte on its 130-day campaign, set by the federal government: “the Time that it was” a Flemish member of Parliament, Vande Reyde (Open VLD), regrets the limited resources available for the social budget “Bourgeois and kris peeters, minister and convert order from Reynders, and Vande Lanotte continue”.