SPD MP Sascha Philipp left the state parliament with a score to settle with the AfD. He had always been guided by humanism and Christian values, Philipp said on Friday in what was likely to be the last session before the state election. “And unfortunately, these are being trampled underfoot by you here in this house,” he added.

He apologized in advance for his choice of words and continued: “Unfortunately, the AfD is not an alternative for Germany, it is a disgrace for Germany. You are, with all due respect, and I will really stop with that now and I am sorry that I have to say goodbye in this way: you are an uncouth bunch of idiots. Goodbye.” According to Philipp, the reason was the AfD’s insults against his parliamentary colleague Harald Pohle a few days ago.

AfD MP Lars Hünich replied: “You don’t deserve any kind of respect, I’m sorry. If you want respect, you have to earn it.”

According to State Parliament President Ulrike Liedtke (SPD), the culture of debate in the Brandenburg state parliament has changed. The tone has become harsher, rougher and more aggressive, Liedtke said on RBB Inforadio on Friday. She blamed the AfD for this. The debates have become heated and “not pleasant”. She cited debates about corona policy as an example.

On Thursday, Andreas Büttner, Brandenburg’s first anti-Semitism commissioner, was sworn in. The 50-year-old was elected by a majority the day before. The swearing-in was overshadowed by a protest by the AfD parliamentary group. Almost all AfD MPs left the plenary hall shortly beforehand, with notes on their desks with the word “supply post” written on them.

She hopes that citizens will “keep a close eye” on what is happening in Brandenburg, said Liedtke, with a view to the state elections on September 22. The Brandenburg state parliament will meet this Friday for what is likely to be its last session of this legislative period. A new state parliament will be elected on September 22.