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Shareholder Alert: Squarespace Merger Investigation

Are you a shareholder of Squarespace, Inc. (NYSE: SQSP)? The Law Firm of Andrews & Springer LLC is on a mission to seek more cash for shareholders in light of the recent merger news. On May 13, 2024, Squarespace announced an agreement with private equity firm Permira for a going private merger, where shareholders are expected to receive $44.00 per share in cash. However, concerns have been raised about potential conflicts of interest and unfair treatment towards minority stockholders. If you own shares of Squarespace and want to protect your investments, contact Andrews & Springer for more information.

Investigation Findings and Concerns

Upon investigating the Squarespace merger, Andrews & Springer discovered significant conflicts of interest surrounding the deal. While the Company claims shareholders will receive a premium for their shares, the controlling stockholder, Anthony Casalena, will retain a majority of his equity in the new company post-close. Minority stockholders, on the other hand, will be cashed out at $44.00 without the opportunity for future upside. The deal falls short of the $45.00 per share price target set by Piper Sandler, raising questions about fairness and transparency in the merger process.

About Andrews & Springer LLC

Andrews & Springer is a boutique securities class action law firm dedicated to representing shareholders nationwide in cases of securities fraud, fiduciary duty breaches, and corporate misconduct. With a track record of successful recoveries for investors, the firm aims to achieve positive results by leveraging the expertise and experience of its founding members. If you want to stay updated on the Squarespace merger investigation or seek legal assistance, visit the firm’s website or contact Craig J. Springer, Esq. for more information. Protect your investments and stay informed with Andrews & Springer.

In conclusion, shareholders of Squarespace are urged to take action and seek additional information about the merger to safeguard their investments and rights. Don’t miss out on updates and potential opportunities by staying informed through Andrews & Springer.