
Standouts From the 2024 Venice Biennale’s Foreigners Everywhere

The 2024 Venice Biennale, with its theme “Foreigners Everywhere,” showcases a diverse array of artworks from around the world. From Bolivian artist River Claure’s enchanting series to Lebanese artist Omar Mismar’s mosaic works, the exhibition is a celebration of global artistry. Let’s explore some of the standout pieces and artists that captivated audiences at this year’s Biennale.

River Claure, Warawar Wawa (2019–2020) and Mita (2022–present)

River Claure’s series, Warawar Wawa and Mita, offers a captivating blend of magical realism and artistic sorcery. Through dusty colors and cryptic moments, Claure invites viewers to question their perceptions and immerse themselves in the landscapes of Bolivia and Andean mining communities. The balance between documentary and staged elements in Claure’s work creates a mesmerizing visual experience that lingers in the minds of those who behold it.

Ana Segovia, “Pos’ se acabó este cantar” (2021) and various paintings

Ana Segovia’s vibrant works delve into Mexican masculinity and the complexities of human interactions. While her pieces may not overtly address masculinity, they offer profound insights into the dynamics of relationships and belonging. Segovia’s compositions draw viewers in with their close-cropped focus and thought-provoking narratives, inviting them to explore the intricacies of human connection through her artistry.