
The NFL may be moving from a 17-game schedule to an 18-game schedule soon, according to Dallas Cowboys Chief Operating Officer Stephen Jones. Jones believes that the switch is inevitable and is something that has been talked about in the league recently. This potential change could mean pushing the Super Bowl to Presidents Day weekend.

Jones, who is part of the competition committee, mentioned that the players benefit from the increased compensation that comes with additional games. With the revenue expected to increase with an 18-game schedule, players can look forward to better compensation. However, there are concerns about the wear and tear on players’ bodies and how teams will manage their rosters over a longer season. One proposed solution could be adding an extra bye week to give players more rest.

Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow also shared his thoughts on how an 18-game schedule could work. He suggested having a Pro Bowl break in Week 13 with skills challenges to keep fans engaged. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has also discussed the possibility of an 18-game schedule, mentioning that eliminating preseason games could pave the way for this change.

Ultimately, any increase in the number of games would need approval from both the owners and players. It remains to be seen how this potential shift will impact the NFL landscape and the players involved. Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story.