
The paramilitary group known as Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan has carried out a violent attack on the last operating hospital in the Darfur region, leading to its closure. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) reported that the RSF stormed the South Hospital in el-Fasher, North Darfur, opening fire on medical staff and patients while looting the facility.

This incident is not isolated, as the hospital had been under attack for weeks prior to this event. The ongoing conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the RSF has caused a humanitarian crisis in the region, resulting in the displacement of thousands of people and numerous casualties. El-Fasher, where the hospital is located, has become a critical humanitarian hub for those in need.

Despite the chaos caused by the attack, most patients and medical staff were able to escape the violence. However, the exact number of casualties is still unknown due to the severity of the situation. The RSF’s intensified operations in the area have escalated the violence, leading to widespread fear and uncertainty among the local population.

The United Nations estimates that tens of thousands of people have been killed in the conflict, with millions more displaced both internally and externally. The IOM reports that over 10 million people have been displaced in Sudan, with millions seeking refuge in neighboring countries.

The situation in Darfur is dire, with civilians bearing the brunt of the conflict through deliberate targeting, indiscriminate shelling, and widespread sexual violence. Both sides have been accused of committing war crimes, leading to a severe humanitarian crisis in the region.

The international community must act swiftly to address the escalating violence in Darfur and provide much-needed assistance to those affected by the conflict. The closure of the last operating hospital is a stark reminder of the urgent need for peace and stability in Sudan.