During a fishing trip, three men suddenly discover 38 dogs floating in the water. The anglers save their lives.

Bob Gist, a 61-year-old insurance executive from Arkansas, was fishing with friends on Grenada Lake in Mississippi. “We drove about a half-mile from our original spot to another and started fishing when we suddenly heard dogs barking,” Gist told the New York Post.

Shortly afterwards, they spotted dogs in the water. As it later turned out, the dogs were part of an annual fox hunt that takes place in the area.

At first they tried to ignore the situation and carry on fishing, Gist told Fox News. But then they approached the animals. They quickly noticed that there were dogs everywhere, swimming in different directions because they could no longer see the shore.

The men pulled as many dogs as they could on board to save them from drowning. When the men got the dogs to shore, they found their owners in a panic. With the help of a GPS transmitter, they were able to rescue four more dogs who were more than a mile from shore. “They were close to drowning, having already been hitting water for an hour,” Gist said.

Lots of sun and rising temperatures are now the order of the day again. If you drive a lot, you’re probably relying heavily on the air conditioning in your car. Not without reason, as it cools significantly more and faster than leaving the windows open while driving. But you should still be careful.

A woman buys a vase for just under five euros in a second-hand shop in the USA. It turns out to be a 2,000-year-old Mayan artifact.