Sad records. In its published report, Météo France points out that the month of June ranks second among the hottest months of June over the period 1900-2023 behind June 2003. “The heat that has settled over France since the end of May has lasted throughout the month of June, especially in a large northern half of France”, explains the public body.
What will the weather be like for this “end” of the summer period and for the coming autumn? While it is obviously not possible to predict it in advance and know precisely, we can already say that it will be warmer than normal. This is at least what emerges from the latest “three-month trend bulletin” published by La Chaîne Météo this week. Several scenarios are emerging.
What about August? While this month of July 2023 is already marked by numerous stormy episodes, the seasonal forecasts of the Weather Channel announce “a more unstable month of August”. “In general, the weather will often be dry and sunny in the northern half of our country, while stormy passages will be more frequent in the south. This situation will not be frozen throughout the month, so that periods warm and sunny weather is also expected”, predicts the Weather Channel. Temperatures meanwhile, “should be 1-1.5°C above seasonal averages with patchy rainfall, but above normal over the southern to southwestern half depending on thunderstorms.”
Like the year 2022, a summer month of September is expected. Even more surprisingly, it could be even drier and more stable than for August. Unfortunately, “the persistence of predominant anticyclonic conditions in northern Europe”, will “greatly influence our country”, according to meteorologists. As for the weather, sunshine will once again be there, unlike the rainfall, which is expected intermittently. In other words, the drought already present could be felt even more for this back-to-school month. As for temperatures, they would be “higher than seasonal averages, around 1°C to 2°C, especially in the northern half”, according to predictions from La Chaîne Météo.
Finally some water. The “abundant and excess” precipitation could finally return for this beginning of autumn 2023. But, for once, “this configuration would be conducive to stormy waves from the west and especially to the rise of strong Mediterranean rains”, as the site predicts. In this context, “precipitation could be 10 to 50% higher from north to south”, while “temperatures would remain in excess of around 1°C”, conclude the forecasters.