
Gun control activists are increasing their efforts to support Kamala Harris and push for stricter gun laws. GIFFORDS, a group founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, has announced a $15 million campaign to target voters in battleground states. The campaign will include television, digital advertising, direct mail, and appearances by Giffords and other supporters to advocate for Harris and candidates who support gun control.

Emma Brown, executive director of GIFFORDS, emphasized the importance of supporting leaders who prioritize public safety over the interests of the gun lobby. The campaign will focus on swing states like Michigan and Arizona, as well as key congressional districts in California and New York.

Internal polling conducted by GIFFORDS in June revealed that a significant majority of voters in battleground districts are concerned about gun violence, particularly women, Latino, and Black Americans. The group believes that mobilizing these key voter groups can make a difference in close races and support candidates who are committed to preventing gun violence.

A Fox News poll conducted in June showed that a significant portion of Americans consider guns to be an important issue, ranking it as the 7th most important out of a list of 10 issues. Other top issues included the future of American democracy, the economy, and stability and normalcy.

Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America, pushed back against the idea that gun control is a top priority for voters. He criticized the policies of Kamala Harris and the current administration, arguing that they have contributed to the crime crisis in the country. Pratt suggested that focusing on law enforcement efforts against violent criminals would be more effective than pushing for gun control measures.

Gabrielle Giffords, who founded the GIFFORDS group after surviving a shooting in 2011, has been actively campaigning for Kamala Harris and other candidates who support gun control. Her husband, Senator Mark Kelly, is reportedly a top contender to be Harris’ running mate. Giffords has shared her personal story of recovery and emphasized the need for stronger gun laws to prevent future tragedies.

At a recent campaign event in Pennsylvania, Giffords and other surrogates framed the upcoming election as a choice between Harris, who supports an assault weapons ban, and the potential for more gun violence under the current administration. They highlighted the impact of gun violence on communities across America and called on voters to prioritize safety and support candidates who will take action on gun control issues.

While Giffords and other speakers avoided commenting on the vice presidential selection process, they emphasized the urgency of the upcoming election and the need for leadership that prioritizes public safety. The event was planned before President Biden’s endorsement of Harris and the emergence of potential vice presidential candidates like Mark Kelly, indicating a longstanding commitment to advocating for gun control measures.

In conclusion, the push for stricter gun laws and support for candidates like Kamala Harris is gaining momentum as the election approaches. Advocates like GIFFORDS are mobilizing voters and raising awareness about the importance of addressing gun violence in America. The upcoming election presents an opportunity for voters to make their voices heard on this critical issue and support candidates who prioritize public safety.