
President Biden is facing a challenging situation after his disappointing debate performance last week, and his family is playing a crucial role in encouraging him to stay in the race and keep fighting. Despite some family members feeling frustrated about how he was prepared for the debate by his staff, they believe that he still has the ability to demonstrate his capability to serve for another four years.

Over the weekend, President Biden sought solace and advice from his wife, children, and grandchildren at Camp David as he navigates how to address the concerns within the Democratic party. While his family acknowledges the shortcomings of his performance against former President Donald J. Trump, they are hopeful that he can showcase a different side of himself to the country.

In addition to leaning on his family for support, President Biden has been consulting with his advisers on potential strategies moving forward. Discussions have included the possibility of holding a news conference or participating in interviews to defend himself and shift the narrative. However, no concrete decisions have been made at this point.

One of the key voices advocating for President Biden to stay in the race is his son Hunter Biden, who wants the public to see his father in a positive light – as someone who is resilient and knowledgeable. Other family members are also exploring ways to contribute to the campaign, with one grandchild expressing interest in engaging with influencers on social media to support the efforts.

The frustration among Democrats was evident when a prominent Democratic donor, John Morgan, publicly criticized the advisers responsible for the president’s debate preparations, specifically naming Ron Klain, Anita Dunn, and Bob Bauer. This highlights the internal challenges that the Biden campaign is facing as they navigate the aftermath of the debate.

As President Biden continues to receive support and guidance from his family, it remains to be seen how he will address the concerns raised by his performance and regain confidence within the Democratic party. The coming days will be crucial in determining the next steps for the Biden campaign as they strive to overcome this setback and refocus their efforts on the upcoming challenges.