
The Supreme Court has been taking its time in issuing decisions this term, with more than 20 still left to be decided as we enter the second half of June. This leisurely pace is not a new trend, as the court’s decision-making process has been slowing down over the past few years.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has led the court for almost two decades, and during his tenure, the court has typically decided around 72 percent of argued cases by this point in the term. In comparison, the previous court under Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist decided 78 percent of cases by now.

However, in the last three terms, the court has only decided up to 62 percent of cases by June 14. This backlog of cases means that there are still around 23 cases left to be decided, with about a dozen of them having the potential to significantly impact various aspects of American society.

As we wait for these late June rulings, it is important to note that the Supreme Court’s decisions can have far-reaching consequences for our country. It is crucial for us to pay attention to these rulings and understand how they may affect our lives and communities.

The Supreme Court plays a vital role in interpreting the law and shaping our nation’s legal landscape. The justices’ decisions can impact issues ranging from civil rights and social justice to business regulations and government policies.

As we anticipate the upcoming rulings, let us stay informed and engaged with the legal developments that will shape the future of our society. By understanding the implications of these decisions, we can better advocate for justice, equality, and progress in our country.