resim 523
resim 523

Norway, Ireland and Spain have announced that they want to recognize Palestine as their own state.

The majority of Germans are against following this example, as a Forsa survey for “Stern” showed. 50 percent of citizens are against recognition at this point in time, 38 percent are in favor and 12 percent do not dare to make an assessment.

Although the federal government fundamentally supports a two-state solution in the region, it currently rejects recognition as “symbolic politics”. This course is supported by a clear majority of the voters of the traffic light parties – and also by the supporters of the Union. 52 percent of supporters of the SPD and the Greens are each against recognition, while 59 percent of those of the FDP are against recognition. CDU/CSU voters (57 percent) see it similarly. Only the supporters of the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance are in favor of following the example of Norway, Ireland and Spain (58 percent).