On a school trip, children came into contact with an unknown substance. Skin and eye irritation and breathing difficulties occurred. Three children were taken to hospital by rescue helicopter.

A school trip ended in hospital for 13 children in Switzerland. This was announced by the Basel-Landschaft police. According to the report, the children were out and about in the municipality of Rünenberg on May 28. In a forest, they are said to have “come into contact with an unknown substance”.

The statement states that several children suffered from skin and eye irritation and breathing difficulties. Three children were taken to hospital by rescue helicopter. Ten others were taken to hospital for checks after receiving initial treatment on site. The children are all said to be between nine and eleven years old.

It is not yet fully clear what triggered the allergic reaction. “The symptoms shown and further examinations by the emergency services lead to the conclusion that the allergic reaction is most likely due to direct contact with an oak processionary moth,” said the police.

According to “Net.Doktor”, the oak processionary moth is a type of butterfly. The caterpillars are covered with poisonous hairs. If a person comes into contact with the caterpillar hairs, it can lead to “skin reactions, eye irritation, breathing difficulties and allergic reactions, even allergic shock”, writes “Allergy.de”.

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