Tag: Dark matter


Uncovering Early Universe Black Hole Merger with Webb Telescope

Astrophysicists at Northwestern University recently conducted a simulation that showcased black holes in action. In this mesmerizing 3D computer simulation, black holes were observed...

Merger of massive black holes from early universe uncovered by Webb telescope, scientists sayUncovering...

Astrophysicists at Northwestern University recently conducted a simulation showcasing black holes in action, "taking bites" out of stars and expelling the remains like "messy...

Earth’s atmosphere could hold a missing piece of the universe

Unlocking the Mysteries of Dark Matter in Earth's AtmosphereThere is a compelling body of evidence in the field of astrophysics and cosmology that suggests...

The Milky Way’s last major act of galactic cannibalism was surprisingly recent

The Milky Way's Recent Galactic CannibalismNew research from the Gaia space telescope suggests that the Milky Way may have devoured a small galaxy more...


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