Tag: Maladie
Céline Dion dit éprouver des symptômes de sa maladie depuis des années
Celine Dion reveals that she has been experiencing terrifying symptoms for years and has decided to publicly announce her rare disease once the burden...
Céline Dion malade depuis bien plus longtemps qu’on ne l’imagine : “Je ne pouvais...
New Title: Céline Dion Reveals Long Battle with Illness in Upcoming DocumentaryCéline Dion's struggles with illness will be brought to light in a new...
Céline Dion témoigne sur sa maladie dans une interview donnée à NBC News :...
Céline Dion Opens Up About Her Illness in an Interview with NBC NewsRarely seen in the media for several years due to her battle...
Kangourous et wallabies face au « tueur invisible »…
Kangaroos and Wallabies Fear the "Invisible Killer"...What are marsupials most afraid of in Australia and Tasmania: Tasmanian devils? Dogs? Well, it's...humans! A study shows...
VIH : des personnalités demandent au laboratoire Gilead de baisser les prix d’un traitement...
Breakthrough HIV Treatment Sunlenca Sparks Global Demand for AccessIn a recent open letter published by the People's Medicines Alliance, a coalition of NGOs, several...
Un virus à l’origine du glioblastome, grave cancer du cerveau
The Connection Between Cytomegalovirus and Glioblastoma: A Breakthrough DiscoveryA recent study conducted by a team of researchers in Besançon has shed light on a...