Tag: Métabolisme


Les émulsifiants augmenteraient le risque de diabète de type 2

Study Finds Emulsifiers Increase Risk of Type 2 DiabetesThis discovery is part of a much broader health risk associated with the consumption of ultra-processed...
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Comment perdre 5 kilos avec le jeûne intermittent ?

How to Lose 5 Kilos with Intermittent Fasting?Are you looking to shed some extra weight and improve your overall health? Intermittent fasting has become...
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Selon un gastro-entérologue, cet aliment booste la combustion des graisses – Grazia

Boost Your Fat-Burning with Coconut Oil: Advice from a GastroenterologistAre you looking to lose weight quickly and effectively? The key lies in a balanced...
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Perte de poids : quel est le moment optimal pour manger les fruits ?...

Optimal Timing for Fruit Consumption to Maximize Weight Loss BenefitsAre you wondering when is the best time to eat fruits to maximize their benefits...



Man arrested for pointing shotgun at LAPD helicopter near Chatsworth

A man was arrested for allegedly pointing a shotgun at an LAPD helicopter near Chatsworth, sparking a dramatic scene that unfolded in a residential...