Tag: Recherche médicale


Le Viagra, un allié inattendu dans la lutte contre la démence

Revolutionary Study: Viagra as a Potential Ally in the Fight Against DementiaThe famous blue pills may have an unexpected benefit. Viagra, commonly used to...
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Découverte d’une protéine qui pourrait favoriser le rétablissement après un accident vasculaire cérébral

New Treatment Discovery for Stroke VictimsA recent breakthrough by researchers at Laval University has uncovered a key protein in the brain that plays a...
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Un virus à l’origine du glioblastome, grave cancer du cerveau

The Connection Between Cytomegalovirus and Glioblastoma: A Breakthrough DiscoveryA recent study conducted by a team of researchers in Besançon has shed light on a...
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Ce signe précoce de la maladie d’Alzheimer visible avant le scanner – Top Santé

Early Sign of Alzheimer's Disease Visible Before CT Scan - Top HealthA new study conducted by researchers at the School of Medicine at the...


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