resim 71
resim 71

They are already four to be threatened… but it is now done! Elisabeth Borne, to whom Emmanuel Macron renewed his confidence to govern the country, presented his executive team. This, as Planet has been able to explain in the past, brings together 41 faces, several of which are already well known to French women and men. These ministers, appointed by Matignon after discussion with the Elysée, today constitute a “government of action”, recalls La Tribune, which lists on its site some of the objectives and commitments displayed by the power in place.

The new government of Elisabeth Borne will therefore have the task of putting a certain number of more or less thorny issues back on the table, including that of retirement or that of “full employment”. Together, these subjects embody “the two major reforms that we must carry out in consultation, without totems or taboos, but keeping a course of ambition”, recalled the Head of State before his trip to the Bavarian Alps, to the occasion of the last G7 summit.

However, we must not forget other essential questions, which no less concern French women and men. Taxation, some adjustments of which may have caused real social crises in the previous five-year term, is obviously one of them. What Emmanuel Macron’s ministers did not fail to understand…

In tax matters too, the government is getting involved. It is preparing, recalls Le Revenu on its site, a certain number of shock measures which taxpayers will have to deal with from the start of the school year. More information about this in our slideshow, which you will find at the end of this article.

Other upheavals, which are the subject of long-standing commitments, must also be mentioned. Even though they may not arrive right away…