The scale increases, the taxes decrease. While inflation rages on the territory, the French are losing more and more purchasing power. Faced with this situation, the government has already adopted several measures under the purchasing power law promulgated on August 16, 2022 and published in the Official Journal two days later.
However, other measures are still planned and should allow the French to get their heads out of the water. Thus, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire announced a few days ago, during an interview with Les Echos, that the thresholds of the tax brackets should be raised by around 5% in 2023.
If for the moment the decision has not yet been voted, it should be within the framework of the finance law which reassesses the scale each year according to needs. Indeed, this increase in the scale is generally made taking into account the evolution of the cost of living, with the aim of avoiding tax increases for households whose income would not have increased from one year to the next. the other.
For these families, the amount of taxes should even be lowered, allowing them to breathe in the face of inflation. If the choice is for an amount of 5%, it is therefore not due to chance but to correspond to the amount of inflation over the year 2022. This is why this figure may still vary by the end of the year. ‘year.
This scale should benefit a large portion of households, but what exactly does it mean?
This 5% increase will therefore concern all the tax brackets which will therefore change in 2023. Thus, for some people, this could result in a change of bracket which could be particularly advantageous.
Until now, all households living with an annual salary of less than 10,225 euros were exempt. From today, this amount will be 10,736. Here are all the new tranches and the rate applicable to them.
Thus, even for the vast majority of households that will remain in the same bracket, with the same salary from one year to the next, they will pay less tax.
This 5% increase in the scale should allow many households to save on the amount of their taxes. Indeed, if the salary does not increase by more than 5% from one year to the next, the amount of taxes will be reduced.
If income has increased from one year to the next, this increase in the scale will still limit the tax increase. This measure should therefore enable many households to make savings and thus be able to improve their purchasing power.
Also, it is important to remember that an increase in the scale is not synonymous with an increase in taxes but, conversely, with a decrease. Although it may seem counter-intuitive.