Tick-tock, tick-tock… It’s almost time for the last samples of the year. 2022 will come to an end in a few weeks, but the tax authorities are far from finished with you. As we know, autumn is the period for direct debits with the expiry of the property tax and that of the housing tax, which should disappear next year. If the payment of the first is finished, this is not the case for the second, which must be settled within a few days, as we explain to you at the bottom of our article.
Other levies are to be expected for the month of November, in particular with regard to income tax and those who would like to opt in to membership of the levy at maturity. By the way, how does this device work? It is only possible for two taxes, that of the housing tax on the second home, as well as property and similar taxes. According to the tax website, here are the benefits it offers:
You are interested ? Be careful to respect the date scheduled for this month, as we explain to you in the rest of our article, because after that it will be too late.
Housing tax, public audiovisual tax, catch-up levy… Consult the calendar below so you don’t miss any tax date for this month of November.