resim 1031
resim 1031

Arrived at the age of 60, new tax benefits and social assistance are available to you. With aging, other expenses are to be taken into account to arrange and adapt your home. Consequently, the State provides several devices to reduce the cost of this new work. Discover in our slideshow below the aid and benefits for seniors.

However, tax loopholes do not only concern people over the age of 60. Indeed, taxpayers of different statuses can benefit from tax advantages. These niches fall into two categories:

However, these tax benefits are capped.

To control tax loopholes, the State limits the amount of these benefits each year. “For the 2023 taxation of your 2022 income, the total of your tax benefits cannot provide you with a reduction in the amount of tax due greater than €10,000”, can we read on the public service website. Moreover, this ceiling is the same for households made up of a single person or a couple.

It is then possible to obtain a tax shelter in several forms:

This deduction is made from the tax return. The tax authorities will then deduct the amount of the tax benefit to which you are entitled. The latter may relate to childcare costs for young children, a rental investment, or even children’s school fees. To find out about the tax loopholes for people over 60 summarized by TF1, see our slideshow below.