
A family from Florida had a terrible experience in Oakland, California when their car was broken into and robbed while they were helping their son move into his dorm at Lincoln University. This incident has caused the family to reconsider sending their son to college in California. The family had just arrived in Oakland and rented a car to help their son settle in. However, when they went to pick up food nearby, their rental car was broken into, and their belongings, including important documents and personal items, were stolen.

The family lost thousands of dollars worth of belongings, including passports, social security cards, and their son’s high school diploma and birth certificate. The incident has left them feeling unsafe and disappointed, prompting them to withdraw their son from attending Lincoln University. The family was shocked by the crime and the lack of police response when they called for help.

The term “bipping” is used to describe smash-and-grab robberies from unattended cars, which is what happened to the family’s rental car. The thieves used a “bipping hammer” to break the car windows quietly and steal the belongings inside. Despite the recent decrease in crime rates in Oakland, this incident has raised concerns about safety in the area.

The family expressed their frustration with the situation and their decision to bring their son back to Florida due to safety concerns. They did not receive a response from Lincoln University regarding the incident. However, UC Berkeley advised students to be cautious and not leave belongings in their cars to prevent similar incidents.

Overall, this unfortunate event has had a significant impact on the family and their plans for their son’s education. It serves as a reminder to always be vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure safety, especially in unfamiliar areas.