First I gather a few colleagues. We sit in a room and, once the door is closed, it is important that everyone understands that there are no more titles, no more diplomas. The best idea wins.

Or I’ll take a notebook and I’ll write words in it, disorganized ideas just to feed my mind because I know that these words are placed somewhere in my brain. At some point, a link will be made somewhere.

Absolutely ! Lots of items of all kinds. I also watch reports, documentaries on different subjects: nature, animals… I watch Téléjournal. On Friday, there is always a portrait of a personality. Last week, it was Marie-Nicole Lemieux. I listen to what they have to say. I like humans. I like to know how he thinks, how he reacts.

At the end of my twenties, I said to myself: I must choose the spheres in which I want to invest myself. I was then aware that there are only 24 hours in a day.

I told myself that I couldn’t succeed in all of them [these spheres], it’s impossible. Even if we want to have a circle of friends, a career, children, play sports, get in shape. It will not arrive. I identified two spheres at that time that were important to me: family – having a lover with whom I could stay for a long time, I wanted to have children, a bubble. And I wanted to have my career. That’s all. I focused on this full time.

Danièle Henkel, Justine Hendricks and Sophie Brochu.

Danièle Henkel represents human and family values. She has a refinement that I dream of having. She did things her way, in a very masculine world. She remained herself. For me, she is a reference.

Justine Hendricks is the first female president of Farm Credit Canada. She is a woman who is accessible, who has shown determination to get where she is. […] He is an organized person who trusts his team.

Sophie Brochu represents authenticity and conviction.

These three women inspire me and I would like to have a little something from each of them.

It’s better than nothing.

It represents a fatality where you are a spectator and there is nothing more to do. It’s like you’ve given up. For me, it’s important to continue the fight and to be determined.

By reconnecting with myself.

I do yoga, cycling and surfing. I’m listening to music.

The other thing I do is I get some fresh air and breathe. Sincerely. […]

When you’re the president of a company of this size, a lot happens on a daily basis; lots of unforeseen events, problems to manage, challenges, things that regularly come out of left field. Some things affect you more than others, even if you are used to dealing with them. Sometimes it’s accumulation. At some point, I need to go breathe, go to yoga, go for a walk.

I make lists with my daughters, mood lists that can help me at different times. I have a gentle one, a combative one…

I also listen to a lot of classical music.

I was seeing my colleague. I was told I’d better stop doing it because I might regret it. I agreed to continue my relationship and I am still with him today. And I was not mistaken.

[They still work together today, over 20 years later.]

She is someone who gets to know her employees, the people with whom she will work on a regular basis. She must know what her group is made of, what the DNA of her group is. That’s important to me. You have to learn how to highlight people, how to push them, and also what not to do.

It has to be someone who is capable of pulling the locomotive and inviting people to come on board. He is a person who communicates and is innovative.