
Thales Australia and Microsoft have collaborated with Australian small and midsize businesses (SMEs) to launch a strategic Cloud computing capacity.

Called Nexium Defence Cloud Edge (NDC Edge), the secure mission-ready solution has been developed in Australia for the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

The Microsoft Azure Stack technology-built alternative NDC Edge is designed to provide’timely access’ to key data and applications critical for the ADF.

The autonomous capability offers advantage right from the headquarters to the tactical advantage. It includes all of the components of military command posts.

Thales Australia chief executive Chris Jenkins said:”The targeted capacities are more agile in their own installation, more interoperable in their use and deliver a more critical effect on the battlefield.”

In addition, it’s compatible with’Five Eyes’ countries, Nato Federated Mission network, humanitarian support and civilian programs.

The modular and integrated capability allows deployed forces to’securely share crucial information’ across multinational coalitions and other agencies to allow a’shared common operating picture’.

Additionally, it meets performance needs concerning size, power and weight (SWaP) to’simplify installation’ and reduce the logistical footprint.

According to Thales, the 3 SMEs are incorporating their newest technologies to enable the capacity to run at the’tactical edge’ for the ADF and coalition forces.

Myriad Technologies tactical associate manager Perry Smith stated:”Myriad Technologies and S2IX are pleased to play a major role in delivering a brand new world class C4ISR capacity in partnership with Thales.

“Our product provides the data fabric capabilities for the Thales Nexium Combat Cloud platform.

“S2IX was born and bred in the battlespace. Developed over ten years while encouraging military actions in Australia and driving innovation in the way defence works on a global scale.”