walkers that sink, walk far to the inside of the lake of Annecy, as if they were crossing the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel at low tide, paddle boats, based on a land cracked by drought, large tour boats to stop. And on the near shore, docks become useless over a stony ground… It has not rained, or almost, on the lake of Annecy since the month of June. While the south of France has recently been hit by deadly floods, a large part of the country continues to suffer from a historic drought. Almost all of the Haute-Savoie region is classified as red alert for weeks.
Currently has 60 departments, and 18 October, are partially or completely under the blow of the prefectorial orders of restriction of water withdrawals. Alsace, Franche-Comté, Burgundy, the Auvergne, the Limousin and the northern Alps are particularly affected and have increased the record-breaking heat these past few weeks.
He must go back to 1947 to find a level so low in the lake of Annecy. No episode comparable fate, until the Twenty-first century, the lows marked in succession in 2003, 2009 and 2016 – but not as spectacular as this one. “It raises the curiosity, the concern also, note Damien Zanella, director of the environment and the water cycle, the Syndicat mixte du lac d’annecy. The lake has lost 60 inches, but it is depths of 65 metres in the middle… he’ll get over It when the rain comes. “
According to him, the reeds, which have declined by 90 % during the Twentieth century, might even benefit from the intake of minerals in the sediments on the shores bare. In addition, the unpublished images of the lake have the merit of drawing attention on the management of more and more complicated the water resource. “Now, the question raises tensions, even in the mountains “, he observes.