The series created by Martin Matte, written with the collaboration of François Avard, will be called Boomer and will be broadcast in the fall on the first Belgian channel, VRT1.
Belgian actor Jan Van Looveren will play the role of Martin Matte in the popular series. The producer Sputnik TV also specified that the wife and the daughter of the Flemish actor will play their own roles on the small screen.
The news was announced Tuesday by Quebec producer Encore Television-Distribution.
“This new adaptation clearly demonstrates the timeless nature of this series so beloved by the public, here in Quebec and elsewhere in the world. Because after Belgium, France, Serbia and the Balkans, an adaptation of Les beaux malaises is currently in development in Greece! “, declared by press release Chrystine Girard, head of international distribution at Encore Television-Distribution.
The first three seasons of Les Beaux malaises, which aired on TVA, are now available on Amazon Prime Video, Encore Télévision-Distribution also announced.