
Patty Morin, the mother of Rachel Morin, who was tragically killed by an illegal immigrant, recently spoke out about her disappointment with the Biden administration’s response to her daughter’s murder. She criticized DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for failing to address her daughter by name and for what she described as an “impersonal” reaction to the tragedy.

Rachel Morin, a mother of five from Maryland, was murdered while on a hike near her home. The suspect, Victor Martinez Hernandez, an illegal migrant, has been charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape after a lengthy investigation. Patty Morin appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to express her frustration with the administration’s handling of the situation.

During an interview on CNN, Mayorkas referred to Rachel Morin as “the individual who was murdered, the woman, the mother,” failing to mention her by name. Patty Morin found this response to be lacking in empathy and respect, stating that it depersonalized her daughter and reduced her to a mere statistic. She emphasized that victims of crimes committed by criminal migrants are American citizens who are essential to the country’s strength and vitality.

Patty Morin’s message to the Biden administration is clear: she wants her daughter to be recognized as a person, a female, a mother, and not just a political pawn. She emphasized that Rachel’s tragic death has left a permanent void in their family, as they are constantly reminded of her absence in their daily lives.

While the White House offered condolences to the family of Rachel Morin, they did not provide specific details on the actions they would take to secure the border and prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. Former President Trump reached out to Patty Morin to express his sympathy and concern, which she appreciated and found comforting during this difficult time.

Overall, Patty Morin’s heartfelt plea for her daughter to be seen as more than just a statistic highlights the emotional toll that such senseless acts of violence have on families. It serves as a reminder of the human cost of failing to address the challenges posed by illegal immigration and the importance of valuing and protecting the lives of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.