
The upcoming season of the popular satirical superhero series, “The Boys,” is just around the corner. The show, which is based on a comic book and features actors like Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, and Antony Starr, follows a group of vigilantes who are determined to bring down corrupt superheroes misusing their powers. The first season of the show premiered on Prime Video in 2019 and has since garnered a loyal fan base.

In addition to the main series, “The Boys” has spawned other related shows set in the same universe. These include “Gen V,” which debuted in September 2023, the animated series “Diabolical” in March 2022, and the web series “Seven on 7” in July 2021. Showrunner Eric Kripke recently announced that the upcoming Season 5 will be the final season of “The Boys.”

For fans eagerly awaiting the Season 4 premiere, mark your calendars for June 13 when the first three episodes will be available for streaming on Prime Video. Subsequent episodes will be released weekly, with the season finale scheduled for Thursday, July 18. All eight episodes of Season 4 will be exclusively available on Prime Video, where viewers can also catch up on the previous seasons.

The core cast of “The Boys” will be returning for Season 4, including familiar faces like Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, and Karl Urban. The main cast members include characters like Billy Butcher, Hughie Campbell, Homelander/John Gillman, and Starlight/Annie January, among others.

To get a sneak peek of what’s to come in Season 4, be sure to check out the official trailer for “The Boys.” Fans of the series can look forward to more action, drama, and dark humor as the story continues to unfold. Stay tuned for more updates and news about the upcoming season of “The Boys” as the premiere date approaches.