A whole new generation of children will discover Bottine, the skunk this year. The first images from Mlle Bottine, a feature film inspired by the popular 1986 Tale for All Bach and Bottine, are released this Thursday.

While some elements of the story are the same as the original film, including the famous pet skunk, “this is not a remake,” screenwriter and co-producer Dominic James told us at the time of filming.

The feature film stars Antoine Bertrand in the role of a lonely music composer forced to accommodate his orphan niece, played by Marguerite Laurence (5th Rang). Mani Soleymanlou, Marilyn Castonguay, Ellen David, Benoît Gouin, Jean-François Provençal and Louise Turcot are also part of the cast.

Directed by Yan Lanouette Turgeon, Mlle Bottine will be released in theaters on November 29.