The fishermen were attacked by a group of young people because they have no elevator to give
The fishermen were attacked by a group of young people because they have no elevator to give

Izegem –

the Two young men as they are to the court of first instance of Kortrijk, charged with assault and battery, and theft. They were considered two of the fishermen, in Izegem, because that they are not to lift, wanted to give up. After that, who they are, a wallet, and threw all of the fishing gear on the market. “Totally disrespectful,” said the prosecutor. “In the politiecombi, they were even able to take videos and laugh about it.” They are at risk of up to eighteen months in prison, in part on one or more occasions.

The facts date back to april of 2018. When a group of six young people in the train, it had been decided to take a walk. Along the canal in Izegem were two nachtvissers against it. They were asked whether they have cigarettes in my pocket and got a couple of cigars. After that, they asked them for a lift, wanted to give up, but saw that the fishermen are not. It was the atmosphere of is grim.

The six were in two groups, each of which is one of the men attacked. After that, they took a wallet out of the truck, and kieperden all of the fishing tackle on the market. One of the men was holding a broken nose on it. “It’s going to be very, very young offenders,” according to the public prosecutor on Monday. “The two accused persons who are less than 18 years of age, are four other people involved are still children. However, if they want to play with the big boys, they need to have the consequences to bear.”

five months

The two-unit sit down for about five months in the pretrial. The first defendant is the risk of a prison sentence of eighteen months in, some of porbation touch. The second one is a sentence of one year on one or more occasions over the head with it. For the first respondent, it is not the first time he or she comes into contact with the law. He has been closely monitored by the juvenile court. The lawyer of the second accused person feels that his client is falsely at pretrial, it was taken and asking for the acquittal. “My client did not get along with the rest of it, quite the contrary. He was the one that the others are trying to stop it. However, since the first of the accused, suddenly, it started to flip, he needs to take the blame. And that’s just not true.”

the court Judgment on the 28th of October.