
Vice President Kamala Harris has been actively involved in shaping artificial intelligence (A.I.) policy within the White House over the past few years. She has worked closely with tech leaders from companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, and Anthropic to establish voluntary safety standards for A.I. Additionally, she issued a White House executive order outlining how the federal government would utilize and advance A.I. technology.

Despite her efforts to push Congress to enact regulations safeguarding individuals from potential job loss and other A.I.-related harms, there has been limited legislative progress in this area. However, Ms. Harris remains committed to advocating for global regulation and increased accountability from tech companies, emphasizing the importance of both protecting the public and fostering innovation simultaneously.

If elected as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, a Kamala Harris presidency could potentially lead to a continuation of minimal U.S. regulation for A.I. companies. Her past experiences as the district attorney of San Francisco and the attorney general of California demonstrate her commitment to addressing issues related to cyberbullying, children’s online privacy, and the unauthorized dissemination of intimate images on major tech platforms.

According to Alondra Nelson, a former director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Ms. Harris approaches tech policy matters with a comprehensive and analytical mindset, considering all perspectives of the issues at hand. This approach reflects her dedication to ensuring that technology advancements benefit society while also prioritizing ethical considerations and individual rights.

Overall, Vice President Kamala Harris’s potential presidency could have a significant impact on the regulation of A.I. technology in the United States. Her track record of engaging with tech industry leaders and advocating for responsible innovation suggests that she will continue to prioritize the ethical and societal implications of technological advancements in her policymaking efforts. As the landscape of A.I. continues to evolve, Ms. Harris’s leadership could play a crucial role in shaping the future of technology governance and oversight in the country.