The incredible images of the mysterious mists of Jupiter captured by NASA
The incredible images of the mysterious mists of Jupiter captured by NASA

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The NASA has made public recently two images captured by the space probe Juno in orbit around the gas giant since the summer of 2016. Both snapshots show the huge swaths of clouds mass of the largest planet of our Solar System.

the largest of The photographs, captured on February 17 of this year, was captured when the spacecraft was about 25.120 miles on the clouds of Jupiter . It shows eye-catching stripes of particles of the fog about the cloud top of the atmosphere that cross from north to south the planet. The haze is a mystery , scientists can’t find neither its cause nor au composition , according to a press release from NASA. One hypothesis is that the bands of jet stream around the usual area of the haze can contribute to its formation.

full Image captured by Juno – NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS; image processing by Gerald Eichstädt

A second image, captured the past April 10 , offers a much closer look to the atmosphere of the planet, made from only 8.650 kilometers of distance . In the picture are shown small clouds that scientists have referred to clouds “emerging.” because they stand out brilliantly on the edges of the swirls of the atmosphere, also explains the u.s. space agency through another press release. Juno will continue to study Jupiter, making passes nearby on their clouds every 53 days until at least July 2021 .

Snapshot of Jupiter – NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / M. Gill