
Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has been using imagery of the American flag to establish himself as a patriotic figure. At a recent news conference at Trump Tower, he appeared in his signature red, white, and blue attire, surrounded by numerous American flags. This visual display has become a defining feature of Mr. Trump’s public appearances, with flags serving as a backdrop in almost every major event.

Unlike his predecessors, Mr. Trump has fully embraced the flag as a symbol of his identity. He often stands in front of multiple flags, sometimes as many as 54, creating a patriotic tableau that reinforces his image as a patriotic leader. Even the design of his private plane, Trump Air, features a prominent American flag on the tail, further emphasizing his connection to national symbols.

According to Lindsay M. Chervinsky, a senior fellow at the Center for Presidential History, Mr. Trump’s use of flag imagery sets him apart from other presidents, who typically have one or two flags behind them during speeches. This deliberate visual strategy has helped Mr. Trump associate himself closely with patriotic symbols and values, making the flag a personal emblem.

As Mr. Trump continues his presidential campaign, his strategic use of flag imagery is likely to remain a prominent feature of his public persona. By aligning himself with national symbols, he is shaping his image as a patriotic leader and appealing to voters who value traditional American values and identity.