The Man tells you how he is your own death scene turned to his wife at the lamp and do walk away but I am still feeling a bit sick of the
The Man tells you how he is your own death scene turned to his wife at the lamp and do walk away but I am still feeling a bit sick of the

An American man, in The Sun is used to look back at the amazing story of where he was four years ago, in the world. He set up his own death scene, his wife is too smart to be. It had been a hit man is hired to be the bokstrainer to be dead, but that he doesn’t just happen. The woman was up to 20 years in prison when sentenced.

what Are the droomvrouw. So, was looking at the American bokstrainer He Turning to the woman he was in 2007, at a Texas-style salsa club in the true spirit of the cesspool. The divorced father-of-three was enchanted by the beautiful Mary, ‘She is’, and it was like a block in front of him. The Mexican had arranged to go to her home to return to and her residence permit, to renew it, but had problems on the job, when they met in the year 2015, the company given.

now To the garden even a couple of had a fight. However, after their marriage, the problems started. Is calculated when to the local boxing gym to meet by Turning to the bottle, and threatened to go out, the bomb dropped, and spoke Just the words that He does not even dare to fear that it had. “I want a divorce.”

the Gun

And that wasn’t even the least of the pleasant surprises for the now 50-year-old man. They have also posted an ad on the internet asking for a hitman to take him out of the room, so that they have all of the money that would be inherited. That would be $ 1,500 to get it. But She had never imagined that she would come to That, a hired assassin, who, without them knowing it was a friend of her husband.

“It’s time, he told me what he wanted to do, it was surreal,” says He. “There was so much going through my head. I didn’t believe it, but quickly became angry, sad, and confused. Then, I suddenly realized that I was still under the same roof and had to live with the person who wanted to kill him. In the same bed, even. I had to sleep with the enemy, one eye open, and was as close to normal as possible.”


The two men began showing itself to a plan to be considered. At the next appointment, She is the film That set her up with a hidden camera. With these images, he came to the police department of Houston, Texas, but the revolution (new york: the images are still not as conclusive evidence. It was necessary, and that it was with the help of the FBI, as claimed.

It’s crazy to plan the death of the Injured at the scene to put. The man with the make-up taken care of as well, making it believable that it was shot as it was. The picture is of a dead, Injured, and with the blood and wounds are visible, could this be Just will be shown. “That picture was horrible. Go and see him, it makes me still feel sick. It depicts one of the most difficult things that I have seen in my life, all I have to do it. I was just thinking of my kids, and the parents would say and if they have that picture, would see it. My daughter, Mia, had a lot of trouble with it.”

Photos: rr. < / p> Games

It was an undercover police officer that She is the consulation in the garage to keep her in the picture of her the shot and she and her husband are showing. “She laughed, then,” said He. “And he asked if I really was dead, or still able to stand.”

The evidence was the deciding factor, at Just 20 years old, to conclude in October 2016. “I’m glad that I’m still alive”, said He today. “I really didn’t think that She wanted to kill him. Our separation was hard, but murder? I’ve never really thought of that. She was a wolf in schaapsvacht. Little did I know.”

Three years after the conviction has devoted He life to speak of, and victims of domestic violence. He took also a book with a story in it. “I’m hoping that, in my book, every man and woman in a relationship full of abuse, it helps to get the courage to ask for help. Looking for help, I really do. You are not alone. Not ever.”
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