The new prime minister of Sophie Wilmes is married to the Australian former professional athlete
The new prime minister of Sophie Wilmes is married to the Australian former professional athlete

With the country’s first female prime minister, will also be the first “first gentleman” in the picture. And that’s the World of Christopher Stone.

The man was the president of the Australian Business in Europe (ABIE), which aims to improve the links between Europe and Australia in the areas of trade and diplomacy. The man is the managing director of james wilson, a company that has 15,000 in advertising in houses for rent.

the Stone had been in a previous life, and even as a professional athlete. At the end of the seventies beginning of the eighties, he played Australian Football for Pc. Kilda, a club in Melbourne. Think of it as a kind of Australian variant of the rugby on an oval field of play. He was also a very nice game of cricket play games.

and Then he went in a merchant build up in the early nineties and, eventually, Europe came to be. Wilmès, and he’s been married and living in the faciliteitengemeente in Sint-Genesius-Rode, and had four children: Jonathan, Victoria, Charlotte, and Elizabeth.

for More about Sophie, Wilmès what is and What should be the new prime minister of Sophie Wilmès actually do it? Prime minister Wilmès to put the pressure on the boiler: “If the N-VA and PS, don’t want to talk about it and say,” How Daring Man, behind the net, pulled out, and Sophie Wilmès prime minister was: “For me the glass is always half full” King and He makes it official: Sophie is Wilmès, it is the country’s first female prime minister of Belgium