The Maritimes-Québec Junior Hockey League has decided to increase its university scholarship offer.

QMJHL Commissioner Mario Cecchini made the announcement Friday during the league conference in Moncton, New Brunswick.

As a result, the annual scholarships available to players increase from $6,000 to $7,200, a 20% increase. As these scholarships are available for a period of five years, the total amount that a student-athlete can obtain increases from $30,000 to $36,000.

The time limit for taking advantage of these scholarships has also been increased. Thus, a former QMJHL player now has three years to apply for a scholarship instead of two.

These enhanced scholarships will be available beginning in the 2025-26 school year.

Cecchini also revealed that from 2024-25, first season players in the QMJHL will participate in integration days.

Gathered in two centers, one in Quebec and another in the Maritimes, these players will attend conferences touching on all possible themes in the QMJHL, from the academic aspect to the sports aspect, including workshops on sexual consent or the pitfalls that await young athletes.

Finally, the QMJHL announced the formation of the Ambassadors Club, which will bring together 18 former league players, one per team, who will serve as links between their club and their community, in addition to making the transfer of information from the LHJMQ to the media in each region.

These ambassadors will not necessarily be former NHL players, but ex-QMJHL players who have succeeded in all spheres of professional life.