
Christian conservatives in America are feeling increasingly disillusioned with what they perceive as a hostile secular culture. Some are taking action by relocating to states, regions, and communities that they believe align more closely with their values.

The Claremont Institute, a prominent intellectual center for the pro-Trump right, has been based in Southern California for decades. However, key figures within the institute have been quietly moving to places they consider more ideologically friendly. For example, the institute’s president, Ryan P. Williams, recently moved to a suburb in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, following in the footsteps of his colleague Michael Anton, who made the move two years prior. This trend of relocation is not limited to the Claremont Institute, as other conservative individuals are also choosing to uproot their lives in search of like-minded communities.

Many of these individuals see themselves as part of a larger movement that transcends electoral politics. They are working towards reclaiming what they perceive as the values of Western civilization, with a vision of a future America that reflects their Christian beliefs, promotes larger families, restricts immigration, and embraces traditional aesthetics such as classical architecture and conservative art.

This shift towards more conservative and Christian-centric communities is not just a response to current political dynamics, but also a proactive effort to shape the future of the country. By seeking out places where they can live among those who share their values, these individuals are laying the groundwork for a society that aligns with their beliefs and priorities.

As the 2024 presidential campaign unfolds, these conservative activists and thinkers are positioning themselves to play a significant role in shaping the cultural and social landscape of America. Their efforts to create communities based on shared values and traditions reflect a desire to build a society that reflects their vision of a morally upright and culturally conservative America.