
UFC President Dana White shared his thoughts on the recent assassination attempt on former President Trump during a radio interview. White commended Trump for his resilience and toughness, calling him an “American bad a–.” Despite the attempt on his life, Trump stood up and encouraged the crowd to keep fighting, showing immense strength and courage.

White emphasized that Trump’s reaction to the incident was truly remarkable, highlighting his toughness and resilience. He compared Trump to a friend of his who faced a similar situation and was never the same mentally. In contrast, Trump, at nearly 80 years old, showed incredible strength and fortitude after surviving the assassination attempt.

White’s admiration for Trump’s response to the attack was evident in his words, describing him as one of the toughest individuals he has ever known. The photo capturing Trump after the incident will undoubtedly go down in history as a testament to his bravery and unwavering spirit.

Despite any personal opinions about Trump, White stated that the undeniable truth is that Trump’s reaction to the assassination attempt solidifies his status as the ultimate American bad a–. White’s initial reaction to the incident was shared on Instagram, and he is expected to speak at the upcoming Republican National Convention.

Overall, White’s admiration for Trump’s resilience and toughness in the face of adversity serves as a reminder of the strength of the human spirit. Trump’s actions following the attack have left a lasting impression on those around him, showcasing his unwavering courage and determination.