The vocabulary of the crisis
The vocabulary of the crisis

Viewing the language – The vocabulary of the crisis, Corona also shapes our way of talking. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, vocabulary researchers have identified many of the typical terms – of the “smear” about “Coronoia” to “zoom”. Alexander Menden19 Kommentare19Die Corona pandemic affects not only our vocabulary, but also the fashion company Van Laack tried to make face masks as an accessory “fashionable”. Photo: Andreas Rentz ()

Just a few months ago, knew the least of what “Triage” or “excess mortality” means, and terms such as “sneeze guard disk” or “distance queue” were not invented. Never in the recent past, a single topic has dominated our vocabulary as the Corona-crisis.

just the word Corona himself has given us within a short period of a flood of new composite main words, of the “Corona-hysteria” up to the might of the “Lockdown” (a new word) to owe the “Corona-baby”. While in the EU about “Corona-Bonds” is disputed, discussed Austria on the “Corona-Matura”; Switzerland also, to use however, so far, without the compound for it.

“These words are our bread – and-butter business,” says Henning Lobin, Director of the Institute for German language (IDS) in Mannheim. “At least as interesting as the compositions of terms such as “Coronoia” and “Coronials but are” parallel image to the “Paranoia” and “Millennials” that apply existing word-formation patterns to the current Situation.”

What Corona is doing is unique, the extrusion force of the subject, says Henning Lobin, Director of the Institute for German language in Mannheim. Photo: University of Giessen

The IDS documented developments of the German language, it collects, among other things, the so-called neologisms and their use. It could be read “as a rule, the rights of mentality cycles,” said Lobin. Again and again our vocabulary shape extraordinary events in the short term. The attacks brought by the 11. In September 2001, the world spoke of the images as “Ground Zero” or the “axis of Evil”.

What Corona is doing is unique, says Henning Lobin, the extrusion force of the subject. Since the beginning of the crisis, the vocabulary of researchers from the IDS, made the observation that the vocabulary is shrinking, at least in the German-speaking online media: While normally the 100 most commonly used words of the day vary to day, continued in the course of the 18 observed weeks, “Coronavirus” and “Corona-crisis” pretty much unchallenged at the top.

the Central word around new or newly common words, from A to Z, and of the “smear sprout” to “zoom”. Existing terms are re-occupied, with some rather euphemistically, other reinforcing. The much-touted “Opening” of the company about to be a euphemism: “It’s happened a lot more than that, something was closed – it is fundamental rights have been curtailed,” said Lobin. The word “epicenter”, the ski resort of Verbier applied, he feels, however, as a dramatization.

Anglicisms, and diseases-Denglish

Some of the neoplasms are rather short-lived phenomena: The “Corona-parties” have almost disappeared from the vocabulary just as quickly as the reality. The “immunity card” not as a term so new that he isn’t in the list yet. Other influences are clearly motivated politically or polemically, of Angela Merkel’s “opening discussion of orgies” to “diseases-socialism” of the NZZ’s chief editor Eric Gujer.

A group of their own within the Corona-vocabulary, the form of English accepted terms such as “Social Distancing” as well as “denglische” words, of which the “home office” is one of the most prominent is likely to be. This term there is not in the UK, also, there, he called the Desk at home, but the Ministry of the interior. By this Pseudo-English, the German word will be upgraded to the “home work,” said Lobin.

According to the most recent surveys of the IDS, the frequency of the Corona-words in relation to other vocabularies already slowly returning – along with the slow Opening and earlier, as the linguists had expected.

technical terms are re –

What are the words from the Corona Pool will disappear, is currently difficult to predict. The epidemiological use of specialist vocabulary, with its “particle diameters” and “reproduction” in any case, the disappearance of figures, probably from the use of language. Candidates for anchoring in everyday life, especially those words also describe a concrete change in the world, be Lobin believes. So the mask could it be that we are looking back to connect with this time, especially a long been common, but is now otherwise occupied term: “”.

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