The world del toro calls for the resignation of Rodriguez Uribes We have been too long discriminated against and censored
The world del toro calls for the resignation of Rodriguez Uribes We have been too long discriminated against and censored

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The world of the bull calls for the resignation of José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes , as minister of Culture and “the beginning of conversations with a minister who understands the culture in all its breadth, a minister that lives up to your position.” Sick of the scorn, the straw that has filled the glass has been discrimination against bullfighting, outside of aid who have given to other cultural industries by the crisis of the Covid-19. “We have too much time to be discriminated against and even censored , something incompatible with a democratic state and of right, whose public powers have the obligation to promote culture”, warns the president of the Foundation of the Toro de Lidia, Victorino Martin . And he adds: “we’re Not going to accept a secondary role”.

there Are many professionals in the bullfighting arena, and fans calling for the resignation of the minister in the social networks. With the hashtag #MinistrodeCensura, has become a trending topic, bullfighters as Enrique Ponce , Cayetano Rivera, El Juli, Paco Ureña, Morenito de Aranda and Juan Mora , have put a photo with a mask in which you can read in “the culture is not censorship.” “Let’s stop the discrimination, #MinistrodeCensura. Bullfighting requires the main place that corresponds to him among the cultural industries for its tradition, its economic weight and social support”.

Victorino Martin, on behalf of the world of the bull, requires that the bullfighting has its rightful place in the culture of Spain, both for its history, for its economic impact and for your social support.

The world del toro has worked “patient, respectful and honest” with the Ministry of Culture since the crisis began, reported in a note. “His response has been, however, the silence and discrimination , continuous fighting,” says Victorino Martín.

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bullfighting is not right-wing nor left-wing. It is of the people! The culture is not censorship! @rodriguezuribes @culturagob #MinistroDeCensura

A publication shared The Juli (@eljulioficial) the

Likewise, is emphasized in the letter: “The world of the bull takes too much time being discriminated against, being relegated to a second plane, when the reality is that we are the s second cultural show by number of viewers , just behind the foreign movie. The reality is that we are the second live show, behind only football. The reality is that 40% percent of the Spanish municipalities organized bullfighting events. The reality is, in short, that we are one of the main industries culturale s of this country, and that too long ago that we did not receive a treatment commensurate with our importance.”

despite this reality, the pressure exerted during the last few years by a number of groups, powerfully funded that are looking for the imposition of their cultural model , it has achieved the gradual relegation of the world of the bull on the place that by right belongs.

“we Require a treatment similar to the rest of the cultural industries, taking into account the relative weight of the bullfighting , a treatment in accordance with one of the main cultural industries of Spain. We’re not going to accept a secondary role,” warns the president of the FTL.

And adds the rancher: “We are millions of people , fans in the seats, in the field or in the street, that we carry too much time being discriminated against and even censored, something incompatible with a democratic state and of right , whose public powers have the obligation to promote the culture.”

The world of the bull are required by both the site that corresponds to him in the culture of Spain, both for its history, for its economic impact or its social support. “We cannot allow a minister of Culture exercises the censorship on all the senses”.

“The tauromaquia, is the second show of this country and we’re not going to accept a secondary role,” he insists Victorinus.
