A teacher from Arizona can’t take it anymore. His students are driving him to despair. Now he has drawn a line under it.

A biology teacher from Arizona in the US quit his job because he couldn’t handle how much his students were on their phones, reports the New York Post. Mitchell Rutherford explains: “I’ve struggled with my mental health this year, mainly because of the cell phone addiction I’ve seen among students.”

Rutherford says he has noticed a change in behavior among his students at Sahuaro High School in Tucson since the coronavirus. The pandemic forced students to keep their distance from each other and turned to their cell phones. The teacher says of his students: “They just withdraw from society. They just can’t get rid of their cell phones, they can’t put them away.”

Rutherford has tried everything to get his students to put their cell phones away. He even offered them small rewards if they put their phones away. He says that even attempts to go for walks in nature and meditate have not helped.

That’s why Rutherford decided to quit his job. His last day of work was on May 23. “Part of me feels like I’m letting these kids down. I tell the kids all the time to do difficult things and now I’m leaving them. But I’ve decided to look for something else. I need to do something that doesn’t completely consume me and drain me,” said the teacher.

In Germany, too, almost all young people between the ages of twelve and eighteen have a smartphone. In Germany, however, there is no ban on cell phones in schools. However, using them during lessons is prohibited. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) promotes the integration of cell phones into lessons. Furthermore, teachers are allowed to take cell phones away from students until the end of the school day at the latest, if appropriate.

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