Thieves are laughing all kakske not to the court One kwajongensstreek
Thieves are laughing all kakske not to the court One kwajongensstreek

Leuven (louvain) / Ostend –

The five young people who are at the beginning of the summer, the verdwaalpaal with the laughing kakske on the beach at Ostend, having been stolen, it will not be for the court to proceed.

It looked like the script of a third-rate soap opera in the beginning of the summer vacation at the beach. In the city there are different poles in the resort. One of them was the well-known ” laughing kakske’. But the thing is, there was less than a week, or five ku Leuven students took the post during a night on the town with her to the apartment of the sea, where they were staying. The young men were so proud of, and posting photos and videos of their adventures on social media. Not until the next morning, when, with the distinctive break-in and the media attention it got, they decided to have these images removed. But I was just looking at all of the route taken by the surveillance cameras, had the family of the verdwaalpaal is registered. They could be easily identified.

The young excuseerden is after the fact, it is immediately expanded to the North, mayor Bart Tommelein. Two days later they helped, they volunteered for the beach clean-up. The cost for the replacement of the verdwaalpaal were up to 750 euros. It is not clear if they have that amount of money coughed up have them.

as an additional sanction, having the friends do not have to worry about. The public prosecutor’s office has decided, after all, to dismiss the case. According to the public prosecutor’s office, it was a one-off kwajongensstreek under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The five continue to hold a blank criminal record.