
In Almaty, Kazakhstan, a groundbreaking 3D-printed home designed by BM Partners and printed using COBOD’s BOD2 model has made its debut as Central Asia’s first 3D-printed house. This innovative home is engineered to withstand extreme weather conditions and seismic areas, showcasing the resilience and adaptability of 3D-printed construction in challenging environments. What sets this project apart is its remarkable speed of construction, with the entire home being printed in just five days. Not only is the construction process efficient, but it also proves to be more cost-effective compared to traditional housing methods.

The walls of the home were printed using a durable cement-like mixture ejected in layers from a nozzle, following the standard 3D-printing technique. However, a special high-strength mix was utilized to meet Almaty’s strict seismic regulations, ensuring the home’s durability against natural disasters such as earthquakes. The mix, boasting a compression strength of almost 60 MPa, far surpasses the typical strength of conventional building materials in Kazakhstan. This unique blend, incorporating locally sourced cement, sand, and gravel enhanced with the D.fab admixture, offers customizable formulations tailored to the region’s specific needs. To address Kazakhstan’s extreme climate ranging from -57 to +49 degrees Celsius, the walls are insulated with expanded polystyrene concrete, enhancing both thermal and acoustic performance.

Following the printing of the walls, the finishing touches are added by human builders, including doors, windows, and furniture. The entire process, from setting up the printer to completing the interior, takes approximately two months. The interior space spans 100 sq m on a single floor, featuring a simple yet functional layout with abundant natural light and a spacious living area. This home exemplifies the vast potential of 3D-printed construction, offering a glimpse into the future of affordable and efficient housing solutions. Priced at around US$21,800, this innovative home presents a more economical option compared to traditional housing in the local market.